Best time with my little boy Friday night. Abby and Kyle headed out for a Daddy Abby night- dinner and a play- Peter Pan. Here they are all dressed up:
She got to stay out til about 9! They had a lot of fun! She was so happy when she got home!
So Andrew and I had a Andrew Mommy night . We planned it all week. His requests were to build a tower, play trains and read books. Talk about easy to please! As I watched him look at his train move on the track I though I ‘m so glad I got him the train table! He does appreciate it.
It was so fun to have him all alone. He was so easy, so sweet and so quiet! I rarely get one on one with him- not since last school year when he was home with me.
He is such a snuggler- he rests his head on my shoulder as we read.
Here’s my sweet guy:
I just love this age (sometimes, I can live without the meltdowns!). He is still got a little baby in him- his small feet, his little hands. He’s still toddler size- I get a lot of strangers smiling at him as we pass. They are just miniature people at this age- so cute!
He is growing up though- going to preschool, going to Sunday school, raising his hand today to answer a teacher’s question at Sunday school!
He loves to dance and sing . He’s very comfortable dancing at school. He teachers tell me about his dancing all the time. I’m so glad he feels so comfortable there!
Current news on kids:
– current career aspirations- Abigail wants to be a doctor like her grandmother and Andrew wants to be a football player
-The kids have discovered magazines (adult magazines). They now pick them as what they want us to read to them! Abby loves this article in the Parent Child magazine about types of dads and what to get them for Father’s Day.
-Andrew has an imaginary friend called Fred Duck. He called him today and then told us that Fred Duck wasn’t sick with the stomach virus and could come to the mall.
-Abby had 3 imaginary friends last year. One was named Patty.
-Abigail has a new doll . She named it Abigail Bunny
-The kids got goldfish a few weeks ago . Andrew named his Andrew:)
Quotes lately:
Andrew (after grace at dinner ): “hands together make me feel better” (We hold hands for grace:)
Here’s a picture of Abby sledding, having a blast with her cousin:
Here she is with Abigail Bunny:
Kyle and I are doing well. He is keeping busy with work and taking 2 classes. I start working April 1st substitute teaching part time! Exciting!
So sweet. I love your little guy (and girl) too. This blog is going to be such a treasure to them when they grow up.