Well we were supposed to go on vacation but Kyle got sick. But it all worked out because we got to do the last swim class Thursday night. And today we went to Saturday market and this afternoon to the EWEB fountain. Summer goes so fast- I think we’re going to have plenty of time to do all the fun summer stuff but it’s already August and we’re just getting around to doing some things on “my list”.
Here we are at the fountain.

Last night my parents had a crawfish boil. Here’s one of my little bears last night:

Pa is in town. We had a fun outing with him at the mall on Friday. He is one of Abby’s best buddies. Here they are:

Andrew is walking so well now. I hope to post a video soon.
Abigail’s hair is so long now, way past her shoulders. It is just gorgeous.

Here is one of the kids caught being good:

They are both reading books in Abigail’s room. Abigail loves to sit in that corner and grab books off the shelf and flip through them. Andrew loves the board books. They like to just hang out in their rooms and play. Andrew loves Abby’s room. He climbs on her bed and sits on it.
Abigail loves to do the dishes. My mom came up with this. It’s great, it keeps her busy, she would do it all day. She has to be supervised constantly though one time she flooded the kitchen. I came in and there was water all over the counters! We played Cinderella the other day and cleaned the whole house together while Andrew was napping.