We attended a wonderful family reunion last weekend for the Roadman family. It was so fun seeing everyone again and really getting to know them all- hearing about Vicki and her collage fabric art and her volunteering. It was great talking with all the teachers in the Roadman family- so many! Vicki, Ken, Judi and a cousin in Washington. Gretchen, the nurse, was such a treat- so friendly , warm and welcoming. She said she got some great poses from Abby. I can’t wait to see those. Everyone was so kind to the kids. April gave Abigail many tasks to help out- counting guests, setting the table. Abigail made buddies with April, Vicki and Judi. Abigail kept bringing Vicki snacks- a cherry here, a chip there. She even invited her to talk a walk.

Andrew loved Tom’s tractor, he sat on it for about an hour.

It was great talking with Steve and Judi about all their moves just like me an Kyle.
Abigail was so confident going up to chat with adults, starting conversation. I am so proud of her confidence and love of people. I must say she gets the latter from me! When new people would arrive, she would tell me to introduce them to her. I remember reading somewhere to never miss a reunion. Now I know why! What fun! Gleaming wisdom from our ancestor who have lived through similar times- moving raising kids, putting careers on hold to raise kids.
The next one will be in three years. I hope to see more of the second and third generation there next time.