The cousins in Ashland for Easter

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The Roadman Family Blog
Andrew to me after I primped in the bathroom for going out tonight: “you look beautiful”
I gave him a hug and he hugged me so tight and so long
I love my little guy
He is having a tough day. His best buddy left him to stay with Grammie for a week.
On the way to dinner tonight I said ” mom dad Andrew time” and he said ” I miss Abby” and his lower lip started to tremble:(
We are going to give lots of extra love this week
Skipping rocks yesterday with Alix:
Here are my cuties at an egg hunt:
This month Abigail was in Aladdin , her first big play. She was amazing. She had 3 lines and was in 4 scenes. She was a citizen of Agrabah and a princess. She sang Welcome to Agrabah, A Whole New World and When You Wish Upon a Star. We are so proud of her. A mom came up to me that had seen the show and just told me how impressed she was seeing Abigail up there calmly saying her lines. The director commented on how much progress she made. She went from being shy and afraid to shining. She said she never saw a beginner know their lines as good as Abigail did. I think she can memorize easily like Daddy. I cried at the end of her last two performances. I was just so proud watching my girl up on that stage having a blast -especially since I know how she started- afraid and not wanting to try. It was amazing to watch her overcome stage fright and do a total 180. She went from being afraid to try to a shining star up on that stage smiling and filled with joy. Andrew got a lot out of it too. He memorized all the songs and all of Abby’s lines and he saw her perform in 3 of the 4 shows and cried when he couldn’t go to the 4th. Kyle took him to Putter’s to cheer him.
Here’s my star:
The kids are constantly singing songs from the play and saying lines from the play throughout the day. What an amazing experience.
Abigail had her first piano concert this week. She was amazing!
Saturday we arrived late to New Orleans. I got to my aunt’s after midnight.
Sunday we visited with Patty and my grandmother Hela. lunch at Landry’s with Kyle’s boss . We got our shrimp poboy fix . Then we went to BR to surprise Grandpapa at his 90th birthday celebration . After party at andrea’s -Asti champagne and game room time and family time
Monday -mike the tiger and serrano’s with Kyle and Pa. As I left the restaurant the waiter said “thanks maam have a great day” in his southern drawl and with that southern charm. What a difference from being called by my first name when teaching in Oregon!
We relaxed in the afternoon and then had dinner at Andrea’s- her yummy Kung Lao chicken
Tuesday breakfast with Pa, new Orleans – French quarter we grabbed some muffalatas and daiquiris . Then got beignets for dessert. The coffee with chicory was so good! The kids loved the street performers. We saw a mime and a tap dancer. Then we had a mini family reunion with the Elstrotts in River ridge .
Wednesday we had our first urgent care visit of the trip. Abigail sprained her foot. Poor Kyle had to carry her for days- all day Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday morning.
We had lunch at Southern Yacht Club with my grandmother and all of us visitors. There were 16 of us. The food was delicious and the view was gorgeous. Kyle got pasta with lobster and crawfish. Yum. Claude entertained the kids on the three hour drive to Florida. He drew with them and made them giggle. It was wonderful not to have to entertain for once. We got to Florida in time for the sunset.
Thursday one of our best days of weather at the beach. We played in the sand. Kyle and i did a run on the beach. We went to margaritaville and got some yummy drinks.
Friday we went to joe patty’s and got some seafood for dinner. The “kids” house made us fish tacos. Andrew had a great time being the center of attention that night ( Abby was in bed at this time with fever and ear pain)
Saturday a very cold day! We didn’t get the hot weather we were hoping for but the beach was beautiful and we had a great time visiting with the family.
We did our Catpaw Heaven traditional hike. It was an adventure with the cold weather and flooded path. Then Kyle and I squeezed in a date night.
Sunday last day at the beach:( it was a little warmer so that was nice. A few of us did the kayaks. Kyle and Andrew did a geocache. We soaked up the sun as much as we could. Everyone got their suits on
We had to rush and leave this afternoon due to Abby still having ear pain. After a 2 1/2 hr trip to urgent care we grabbed dinner at waffle house and got on the road for New Orleans.
Now it’s time to head home. I am crossing my fingers that Abby survives the plane ride
Abby at urgent care
Still checking you out at the register!
Location:Pensacola Blvd,Brent,United States