Beautiful weather yesterday and today. I love wearing tshirts, rolling down the windows in the car, feeling the breeze on my face, seeing Abigail’s hair fly up as we drive.
quote of the week: “ot club” Abigail can’t say yacht club so she says “ot club” , so cute. My parents belong to the one in Eugene.
Andrew is into puzzles. I sat down and did them with him one day and now he wants to do them all the time. Every day he grabs my hand and says “Mama Andrew puzzle” It’s our special daily ritual now. It’s one of the things we do together when he wakes up at 6 am and we have the house to ourself:)
The kids started swim class tonight. We haven’t done classes since last summer. Abigail has graduated to Pikes. She did great. She swam on her back, did jumps, blew bubbles, all the things she won’t do with me. It’s amazing what kids will do under peer pressure:) Andrew is much better in the water now than last summer. Last summer he was fussy in the water but now he enjoys it. He took a little time to relax tonight but by the end he was doing jumps off the side.
We had a great day yesterday. Andrew requested he wanted to ride a bus one day so I arranged an outing. We went with some friends to Springfield on the bus. We went to the library- did puzzles, computer games, puppet shows and read books . Then we all went out to lunch. the kids were wide eyed with all the excitement of riding the bus.