Well Abby is making new discoveries- she is obsessed with sucking on her fists. She can even hold things in them- but she has no idea what she’s doing! Here she is with her wand and dolls:
Abby the Trail Blazers Fan!
Last night Sara and I took Abby to her first Trail Blazers game. We were lucky to have tickets in the TEK suite so that it wasn’t too loud. It was a great game, with the home team crushing the Dallas Mavericks. Abby couldn’t believe all the people when I showed her the crowd. It was a sellout with over 20,000 in attendance. She’s never been so stimulated!
Goo Goo Sounds and Leg Kicks
Well Abby is right at 2 months old now and growing crazier by the day. She tries to communicate all the time, cooing and cawing until her heart’s content. She’s in a bit of a fussy stage lately, especially at night, but hopefully that will pass. She loves to sit on the table with us now and look around while kicking her legs in the air. Click here to see a movie of her on the table. Click here to see another movie of her on the table.
Look at the last one. She’ll hold onto things now when you put them in her hands! Not for very long, but still. She also likes to try and hit things with her hand, whether it’s a milk carton or a poster by her changing table. She’s getting pretty good at it too. We practice every night. We had a good Halloween with quite a few trick or treaters. We almost ran out of candy.
She even dressed up as a hapless football player:
With all this activity, sometimes she just gets fed up:
Mostly though she’s just been our sweet little girl.