Well, as great as our apartment must look in all the pictures, we have decided to try and find another place to live. A combination of lack of space, horrible neighbors, and poor location has been driving us nuts, and so we are on the market for something better. We are hoping to move to somewhere around the 14th arrondissement in Paris, so if anyone has any leads please let us know! Last weekend we saw the movie ‘Max’. I”m not sure when/if it ever came out in the U.S., but it was in English and pretty interesting. I think we would give it two thumbs up. Also, happy birthday to my Mom! Wish we were there.
We added tons of new pictures today. Check them out under photo albums. Thanks everyone for looking at our site, we are having a lot of fun with it.
Internet and Commie Festivals
Hi, we finally got setup with the internet today. We will be putting all of our pictures on the website soon. Tonight we are going to Fete de l’humanite, a big festival put on by the newspaper of the French Communist Party! The festival started in 1930 (interrupted only during the war), but today it is all fun and games without the politics. We will try to take pictures.
Hi Everyone! We”re living in a studio in Levallois-Perret, just west of Paris. We’re getting a phone on Tuesday and internet Saturday. So we’ll add pictures on Saturday. THE BIG NEWS IS WE”RE ENGAGED!!!! Kyle asked me in front of the Grande Arche de la Défense last Saturday night. It was really beautiful. There were fireworks afterwards celebrating the anniversary of the birth of Berlioz- with his music playing in the background. Email me sara _AT_ kyleandsara.com. Kyle’s email is kyle _AT_ kyleandsara.com. Love Sara.