Marathon days
Well today was another marathon day
Yesterday we went to storytime at library with friends, the park for a picnic with my dad, did a short bike ride due to two flat tires. Biking fail. Lesson learned- keep pump in car. Then we picnicked with Kyle, went home. Andrew passed out for two hours while Abby and I made birthday cards and some mom Abby time. I cooked a meal for a friend with a new baby, drove across town to deliver it while feeding my kids in car then we went to post office to deliver cards then we went to the French school to see some plays in French. The students did The Three Little Pigs and The Red Hen, some of Abby and Andrews favorites. Then they sang songs- Alouette and a Lion King song- both songs that Abby and Andrew know. They watched in amazement. Abby especially. She loves theater. She is constantly doing plays at home. She loves going to the theater. After the performance there was cake. They were in heaven! It is so powerful for the kids to see other kids speaking and performing in French. That is why I take them to these events despite it being a challenging time of day. Did we eat dinner in the car ? Did one kid throw a fit about having 2 pieces of cake instead of one? Sure. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Seeing the kids stare in amazement at these kids performing, seeing them smile during the Lion King song, watching Andrew crack up at the little first grade boy who jumped and fell off the stage ( this kid was way too excited about the performance. Don’t worry the boy didn’t cry. He kept jumping. Andrew was cracking up, I never heard him laugh so hard). Priceless! Making memories as they say!
Today- I taught all day, got the kids from my dad’s ,went to a swim playdate, caught up with friends, watched my girl swim, helped Andrew do torpedoes, got all changed, picnicked with pbj sandwiches in car, then went to Andrew’s first T ball class. Big night! Abby predicted he would cry and I insisted no but she was right. My kids always have trouble with new things. Abby cried shortly after entering the Hult for her first rehearsal Saturday and Andrew cried today. But I talked him through it, he was a little overwhelmed with all the new faces-three t ball coaches. He was so excited because they had the bases out and we we got to run them. He ended up having a blast and getting comfortable with the new teachers. I was so proud because at the end of class he was brave enough to go up to one of the coaches and ask when they would work on hitting with bats! This is something his sister has trouble doing- talking to new adults. I was so proud of him! Funny how kids are so different.
We ended the night with dinner at Ron’s where I entertained Kyle with my adventures in substituting stories- having to take 30 first graders on a hike without a map – my guides were 2 six year old boys who supposedly knew their way, then having the IA stop the hike and walk the kids back to the start because of her fear of poison oak. I then had to start again, I think I took them the wrong way but we accomplished the mission of releasing the classes’ tadpoles into a creek. I also arrived late to the school assembly and interrupted a school play and we entered through the front, not the back! Ah! I also had to get 30 kids to clean their desks at one time! Chaos!
To come down from such a busy day I went for along walk and run- (45 minutes mostly uphill) after reading and tucking in my sweeties. I always hope to come home to a silent house but no they were still awake and Andrew had red marks on his back from his loving sister. Apparently she attacked because he fed her baby dolls milk and she wanted to do it. God help me!
Another action packed fun day! Tomorrow I have nothing planned! Just to run 5 miles at some point in day… Hooray!
Bike ride-

Andrew at T ball