Busy Beautiful Summer

Well we went on a road trip to California, got home Thursday. Then we were off again to Hillsboro for the day on Saturday. Then the 4th festivities. Tuesday the kids and I got back into our routine. Wednesday they had their first soccer class. They both loved it. I guess I am now a ” soccer mom.” We had fun playing at the park after and then after nap we went on a 5 mile bike ride with Sophie. The kids rode in my new bike trailer. I love it!

Today we are facing reality- grocery shopping, yard work. Tonight we are headed to concert in the park and tomorrow play in the park with Kyle. The weather is sunny as ever here- everything just looks gorgeous!

Here are some pics-

a 5K we all did


me and the kids at Toby and Alison’s wedding in CA:


us at Berkeley


I got to see my cousin Justin and his wife Joy there. We had an nice visit with them.


San Francisco


Abby and Daddy in the big city


I got to see my friend Heidi and she got to meet Andrew (She hugged him even with pizza all over him head to toe)


We got to visit Peyton and family in Medford


my new bike trailer and the kids ready for a walk


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