Our first venture into Thai food this past year was a big success. Sara really liked the pineapple added in, while I threw in some Thai chile’s to try and get it heating up. It”s hard to go wrong with this solid set of ingredients. 4 servings 35 minutes (15 mins prep) Recipe located at: http://www.recipezaar.com/recipe/getrecipe.zsp?id=81916\n\nScoping the scene before hand, you”d come across a “who’s who” of Thai cooking: The lemongrass floating in a sea of good flavor:
Now we”re doing some cooking folks:
The final product, hot off the stove:
Our weary critics await:
It was a cold December night, but it was hot hot hot inside our mouths:
My only warning on this one is to watch your measurements, especially with the curry paste and brown sugar. Too much of a good thing can come back to bite you after a third or fourth mouthful. This meal was one in about ten minutes though, so it’s definitely worth taking a shot at. Pretty easy to make, and sure to satisfy even the most discriminating feline.