Cold Cold Cold

The weather here is absolutely freezing. Especially with my long hair all gone, the wind is a killer. Listening to the warm reports from Oregon, I remember those first days of spring last year in Eugene when the temperature hit 70 degrees. Wish that was happening here! And I hope it lasts the whole spring this time, so we can enjoy it when we are back in May. Last year I remember it rained through June. Oh well, anything warmer than this will be great.

What has happened to our site??

Well, we decided to change things around a bit here on First of all, we have incorporated a little journal or weblog (blog to the layperson) for us to put down our thoughts each day (or as often as we can). We think this will be cool for many reasons: to help our friends and family see what we are doing, to force us to keep a record of our experiences, and to have fun with writing. You can see our daily blatherings just by coming to this main page of the site (the address will never change). All of the new blog entries are listed chronologically. You can also go back and look at old entries by going to the “Blog Archives” section on the left side of the page. So now you’ll never miss a second of new material, no matter how exciting these stories may get (see the plumbing tale that Sara wrote about below!). All of the old content is still available from the menu on the left side. There’s even some new stuff to look at on that side as well (keep up with our reading if you are bored). You can also comment on any blog entries we make just by clicking on the “comments” link at the end of each entry. Well, we hope you like it here. We’ll keep adding stuff because it’s fun. Thanks for coming by!

Free Alarm Clock

It’s always nice to wake up on Saturday mornings to the sound of hundreds of screaming school children. They make the poor kids go to school on the weekends here and, lucky for us, we happen to live right next to one. At least it is sunny today, however, and I think we will try to go out to St. Germain En Laye to see the chateau and look at where we will be picking up our rental car for our trip to Normandy. Only about a month left until then- we can’t wait.

We have arrived

UPDATE: Our phone is back on. Now we can pay hundreds of dollars (euros!) a month for a….landline phone! Way to go France Telecom!



Leaving on Sat, 01 May 04 from Paris, Charles-De-Gaulle [CDG] Arriving on Sat, 01 May 04 at Portland, Intl [PDX] We booked the tickets! We will enjoy the next four months here, but can’t wait to get home.

It’s Cold!

Hi, we are back at work now in cold, cold Paris. We put up our first travel journal under the Journals section of this website, so check it out if you want. We will try to add one for each trip we take in the future. We have been planning for when my parents come in April, and it looks like we will be going to Normandy, England, Italy, and Switzerland/Jura. Can”t wait! And hopefully we”ll be all ready to come back shortly thereafter. Bye for now.

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years everyone, we are back from Les Rousses where we spent the week of Christmas. We had a nice time and took a ton of pictures, which we are trying to get posted. So keep checking out the photo albums, there are lots of them. We are going to find a good spot to be tonight for New Years Eve in Paris. It should be a great time. We are a bit tired of living in the city, but trying to get through it all. We may come home a bit earlier (May?) depending on when the cheapest flights are. We have tickets to go and visit Sweden next month, so that will be fun. Also, Kyle’s parents are coming in April so we can all travel around Europe together!


We are back from vacation and looking for another apartment. Hopefully we can find something by the end of the month. We’ve also posted all the pictures from our trip.


ISCIO just put up a video of me torturing some poor French students with a lecture in English. Check it out by clicking right here.

NOTE: Requires Real One Media Player, which you can download by clicking here.

Only one week until vacation!