Abby’s First Week

Today is Abby’s one week birthday. We’ve had a bit of a rollercoaster first week, with one easy day usually followed by one day of no sleep. Luckily last night she slept most of the night between feedings, and so hopefully that habit will begin to stick more. In any event, it’s been a joy to have her around the house. We are learning how to change her, clean her, bathe her, etc. and each day is a new adventure. We’re finding that she likes a lot of different music and also gets mesmerized by looking at black and white posters. She also likes to sleep in our bed with her arms straight up in the air, or on my chest during the day. She is so small! Here are some more pictures:

My Pal Abigail

Abigail Hélène Roadman Born September 13, 2007. 10:27pm. Weight: 8 pounds 8 ounces. Height: 20.25 inches. More to come! When we get more sleep! She’s perfect.

Life Update

Well, since we last wrote on this site we’ve been through some pretty big life milestones. First, just over a year ago we bought our first house up in Beaverton. Although we seemed to have perfectly timed the top of the housing bubble, it has nonetheless been a good move for us. We’ll post some pictures in our Photo Albums soon. The bigger news is that we are expecting our first baby in one month! We’re having a girl and will be naming her Abigail Helen Roadman. Abby for short. Needless to say, we are extremely excited and nervous all at the same time. I’m sure this site will soon turn into all Abigail all the time, so stay tuned for pictures and stories. I’ve had a pretty horrible week after having some dental work done. I’m afraid some of it may have gone wrong over the weekend, and so I’ll be going back to the dentist first thing tomorrow. Wish me luck. I haven’t been able to eat any solid food in the last week and that’s getting very old. I just hope I’m all back to normal when the baby comes. That’s my goal at this point. I’ll have Sara post more soon. She’s getting very big– we’ll have to post a picture!! Bye for now. We are excited to have our website back and will update it frequently with both posts and pictures.


It’s been a while, but we have finally taken back our website from the evil domain name stealing villains (see: eNom). Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. And so we will be sure to update soon on all that has changed in the past year. A sneak preview: we”ll soon be a family of 3 (not counting Lizzie and Clark)!

More Pictures and News

Hi everyone. We’ve added some more pictures to our new Photo Album section. Check it out by clicking on the left hand side. We have some shots of our fried okra cooking, as well as Clark and Lizzie photos. In other news, it looks like we will offiically be living in Portland around the first part of June. We’ll have to see how best to make everything work, but this is really very good news involving a great job offer. Three Big wins for the Pac-10 today with Oregon, Oregon State, and USC all coming out on top. Looks like we could have a strong bowl showing from our state teams. We’ll update more later- we’re still working on getting all of our pictures up when we have time. Talk to everyone soon. Here’s a shot of the two crazy cats: Click here to see more of them.

New Addition to The Family

Meet Clark: We’re still getting used to having a little fireball running around, especially LIzzie. We’ll post more pictures soon. We are both doing fine, just busy as ever with school and work.

New Photo Albums

We’ve just put up our new Photo Album program. Check it out by clicking here. We’ll be making changes to it on and off for a while, so keep checking back. It”s going to allow a lot more functionality and the pictures should be much larger and more accessible. You can even send them to get printed if you like something you see. We”ll post more soon. See you for now.

Spicy Quesadillas

3-4 servings 25 minutes (10 minutes prep) Recipe available at: This is one of the easier quesadillas recipes that we have found. Although we’ve made some more complex versions, we remember this one leaving a nice taste in our mouths. Sorting all the ingredients (our favorite mix in of peppers and onions; feel free to improvise here): Heating them up: Preparing the tortillas (I like to fill them up nice and full, but you can experiment to find your preference): Adding the cheese (use quite a bit): Make sure not to cook the tortillas black. Nice and crisp is what you want: Ready to eat with some salsa and a nice cold drink: Enjoy this one before summer is out!

Ground Chicken Stir Fried with Basil (Kai Pad Bai Kaprow)

2-4 servings 25 minutes (5 minutes prep) Recipe available at: This is a quick and easy thai dish with a lot of flavor. Don’t skimp on the thai chilis! We are growing these and the thai basil in our front yard, so we’ll be making a lot more of this in the future. Saute-ing the herbs and spices: Adding the ground chicken: Cooking it all up: Nearly complete: Final plating served over jasmine rice: Hope this comes out well for everyone else. We really liked it.

Chicken Breast stuffed with Feta Cheese, Sundried Tomato, and Bell Pepper

Here is a dish that we tried early on during the winter months. It sounds more complicated that it is. Best thing is to look for some really flat chicken breast cutlets that are easy to bend. This also helps the chicken to get cooked all the way through. The taste on this is great, and it uses a lot of our favorite ingredients. 4 servings 55 minutes (20 minutes prep) Recipe available at:\n\nWe substituted green bell peppers for the red that it calls for. Here we are saute-ing with the garlic: Creating the “insides” (we used real bread crust instead of off the shelf bread crumbs): Stuffing our first chicken breast (we forgot to flatten them out before starting so they are more plump than is ideal): Four of them going into the oven: Now the finished product. We were able to get it cooked just right on this occasion, although we did have some trouble when we later tried similar chicken-stuffed recipes. It can be a very delicate balance between undercooking the chicken and making it too dry: On the plate with the garlic/bell pepper garnish (don”t forget to remove the toothpicks!): This is one we want to make again before long. The ingredients are a little demanding, but many substitutes are possible. A related dish calls for goat cheese instead of feta, and is probably just as good if not better.