Hi Everyone! We made it! Long plane ride but went fine. Good seats, plenty of food and even good movies! We are staying in a cute very French Hotel near the center of city. Very prim and proper! Kyle and Sara have been showing us the city and what a city it is! Everything you have heard about Paris is true- good and bad!. Lots of outdoor cafes, everyone smokes and has wine with a very long lunch! French police blare their Hitler sounding sirens constantly. (keeps you on edge)! Saw Eiffel Tower today- very impressive!! Browsing in stores- beautiful clothes( just looking of Course) Also walked into Paris’ oldest church and a Palm Friday mass was being held. they encourage tourists to walk in off the street. It was the most beautiful old church I have ever seen. Going to see Notre Dame tomorrow and a big outdoor market! Hope you are all having a good week. We certainly are!! Chat with you again soon!! Linda