Definitely having a cold beverage at 8pm tonight once the kids are put to bed ( I hope they go to sleep! Bedtime is hard lately)
-enjoying a pumpkin spice latte alone in target in silence!
-Abby telling me she loved her teachers after picking her up
– a tear free drop off
-The first half of going out to lunch with the kids when we were having a pleasant time
-Watching them make kites with ribbons and paper (Andrew’s idea)
-seeing Abby’s room after she cleaned it herself
-Hearing Andrew ask ” can we go fly our kites?” after making them
-the second half of going out to lunch when Andrew started to get restless and stand up and drop his bagel every minute
-the ride home meltdown
– the afternoon meltdown
– when they dumped a box of cheerios on floor
Look what Andrew did to his wall
Kyle left a nail in his room accidentally. Kids crack me up!
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