Well my grandfather and I worked all day on my mom’s party. We made Indian chicken curry from the family cookbook topped with chutney and cilantro (so good), Grandpapa’s fruit salad and fruit tart ( the cream had Cointreau) . Everything was delicious!
It was quite a day trying to cook with the kids- we burned the cookie dough for the tart the first time, then Abby got a bee sting and Andrew threw a tantrum. My dad saved the day by whisking the kids away so we could finish. I got to cook in silence , it was wonderful!
We all worked together to put on a great party! Teamwork! Seb finished the curry while I wrapped gifts, Andrew and my dad put together my mom’s new lawn chair and Grandpapa did the glaze for the tart ( apricot jam, water and sugar), Hayley helped Abby make a card for my mom, and Claude set the table.
It was a fun night!

It was incredible! Totally worth all the work!

Grandpapa spoiling the kids with cookies-

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