Quote of the Day

Andrew: “ole ole” (pronounced olay olay) This is what he says for desolee (in English “sorry”). He cannot yet say the whole word desolee. It’s very cute.

Andrew is very polite. He is always saying “no thank you” I guess I did something right there:)

He sings a lot- mostly Itsy Bitsy Spider. It is so adorable. There is nothing sweeter:) I also hear him singing The Wheels on the Bus.

Abigail got her first manicure on Friday. She sat through me getting a pedicure and then kept her hands still during the manicure! She loved it and loves her nails.


We went to Off the Waffle after the manicure. I tried to take her to Holy Donuts but it looks like it’s gone:(

One Reply to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Cute! It’s wonderful that you’re teaching your children to speak French! Holy Donuts just moved a couple blocks down from us, but it looks like they’re only selling wholesale. I believe they lost their lease at the retail location. I read on their Facebook page that you can still get their donuts at Market of Choice, Sundance, Eugene Coffee company, and various other places in town.

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