Wednesday 3/16
here’s what my day looks like:
Andrew my alarm clock starts my day, today at 7:30 am due to day light savings, diaper change, hang out with Andrew while waiting for Abby to wake, check up on email. Abigail wakes, serve breakfast, get kids settled in playroom so i can take shower. Get everyone dressed, head out for outing for moms club. mom social, kids play. head home for lunch, eat, on way to put them to nap, Andrew gets sick all over me TWO times. clean up everyone, put kids to bed. clean up sickness mess while they sleep, get a few things done, eat something. Andrew up, read and snuggle with him (one of best parts of day). snack. Abby up, snack for her. run around getting stuff done while caring for kids. play with kids – dance, sing, play music. (another highlight) letter work with Abigail. read through American Girl catalog with Abigail at least 3 times. relive my childhood a little:) make dinner, feed the masses, dress them for game, drop them at bball game with Daddy. golden hour of silence alone at Starbucks doing homework, pick up, put kiddos to bed with Kyle, clean car, chores, check email. read, bed.