
Well now that I am a stay at home mom I have taken over the cooking duties. Kyle has been a great sport at trying all my new attempts at cooking dinner. There have been some disasters. One night I tried to make fish and stunk up the whole house for days. Kyle always keeps his veggie burgers in the freezer just in case. Yesterday I tried to make bake potatoes and artichoke (separately) for the first time. I under cooked the potatoes and burned the artichoke almost setting fire to the house with the wooden steamer.

I tried a new recipe for chicken enchiladas this week off and those turned out delicious. Tonight I am trying Hungarian Chicken with gnocchi. It looks good so far.

Abigail loves watching me cook. So I talk to her like I’m putting on a cooking show (my friend Candice gave me this advice-she does this with her 4 month old). It keeps her interested and allows me to cook. She loves watching us do anything. She’s fascinated watching me brush my teeth!

More on my cooking adventures later. . .

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