Well, since we last wrote on this site we’ve been through some pretty big life milestones. First, just over a year ago we bought our first house up in Beaverton. Although we seemed to have perfectly timed the top of the housing bubble, it has nonetheless been a good move for us. We’ll post some pictures in our Photo Albums soon. The bigger news is that we are expecting our first baby in one month! We’re having a girl and will be naming her Abigail Helen Roadman. Abby for short. Needless to say, we are extremely excited and nervous all at the same time. I’m sure this site will soon turn into all Abigail all the time, so stay tuned for pictures and stories. I’ve had a pretty horrible week after having some dental work done. I’m afraid some of it may have gone wrong over the weekend, and so I’ll be going back to the dentist first thing tomorrow. Wish me luck. I haven’t been able to eat any solid food in the last week and that’s getting very old. I just hope I’m all back to normal when the baby comes. That’s my goal at this point. I’ll have Sara post more soon. She’s getting very big– we’ll have to post a picture!! Bye for now. We are excited to have our website back and will update it frequently with both posts and pictures.