Here is a dish that we tried early on during the winter months. It sounds more complicated that it is. Best thing is to look for some really flat chicken breast cutlets that are easy to bend. This also helps the chicken to get cooked all the way through. The taste on this is great, and it uses a lot of our favorite ingredients. 4 servings 55 minutes (20 minutes prep) Recipe available at:\n\nWe substituted green bell peppers for the red that it calls for. Here we are saute-ing with the garlic: Creating the “insides” (we used real bread crust instead of off the shelf bread crumbs):
Stuffing our first chicken breast (we forgot to flatten them out before starting so they are more plump than is ideal):
Four of them going into the oven:
Now the finished product. We were able to get it cooked just right on this occasion, although we did have some trouble when we later tried similar chicken-stuffed recipes. It can be a very delicate balance between undercooking the chicken and making it too dry:
On the plate with the garlic/bell pepper garnish (don”t forget to remove the toothpicks!):
This is one we want to make again before long. The ingredients are a little demanding, but many substitutes are possible. A related dish calls for goat cheese instead of feta, and is probably just as good if not better.