Being home during the day is allowing me to understand how our apartment rent is so cheap. 8+ hours of screaming school children can not do a lot for property value. Screaming seems to be all they do. It’s about 25 minutes on, 25 minutes off constantly throughout the day. Oh well, gives me some motivation to leave the apartment earlier. I went to the airport today and found the section where I’ll need to meet my parents next week. That place is pretty much chaos so I’m glad I went and checked it out ahead of time. We’ll have to take a bus and then the train into paris. But it’s not terribly confusing if you’ve done it before. Another great Paris trait is the extent to which they will go to completely screw tourists whenever possible. Instead of encouraging out-of-towners to purchase a Carte Orange card for unlimited use of the metro for a set number of days, they have come up with a Paris Visite card that does exactly the same thing but is about 20 euros more expensive. If a lucky tourist is smart enough to figure this out, however, they may futhur be tricked into buying a Carte Orange on the wrong day. A Carte Orange is only good from Monday to Sunday – so if you buy it on a Thursday, you will still pay the same price but it will cease to work on Sunday instead of the next Thursday. Brilliant. Less than a month until we are back in the States. I hope it goes by fast.